Girl, we’ve all been there, but as the Lion King wise monkey says: IT IS TIME! 🙂

👠   Perfectly DONE is better than done perfectly. Why waste time? We’re learning and improving as we grow. A year from now you’ll be light years ahead and that’s okay, but for those who are a year behind you, the value you can bring will be gold! 

👠   I don’t suppose you want to be miserable most of the time?! Then the negative talking to and about yourself should be replaced with positive affirmations and words of encouragement. We wouldn’t do that to a friend, so why would we do this to ourselves.

👠   Trying to do it all on your own is freaking hard and bluntly said – stupid (talking from experience). I thought I could do it on my own (what was I thinking) and I didn’t want to ask for help, because it made me feel uncomfortable, but I soon realised there’s no place for pride or shyness when you want to change your life! Hire a coach, find a mentor or an accountability partner, outsource where possible, join a community of like-minded people to share the journey with. I’m here for you too, a DM away. ♥️

👠   I’m sure you already know that you simply cannot please everyone. Unfortunately, knowing doesn’t always stop us from trying. Being true to who you are is way more important for your personal happiness and satisfaction. Maybe try and write down what are some things you won’t make a compromise with, both your go-to(s) and no-go(s). 

👠   Finally, this one on its own can either propel you forward or hold you back. It’s the battle of the ages Overthinking VS. Taking action. Please, let the second one win! Choose it daily. Make it a habit. Don’t move onto the next thing until you’ve sealed what you learned with some action taking. It’s only scary before you actually get it done. Give yourself a reason to be proud with what you act upon each day! 

Which of these 5 do you need to stop ASAP? Write it down in a notebook or a sticky note and remember, you are exactly where you need to be!

Kalina x

P.S. Join the Brave Female Entrepreneurs community where you can connect with so many wonderful ladies who share a similar journey and are there to support each other. Hope to see you there! 

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Here is my gift to you

I created this guide with you in mind, because I know how challenging it can be to stand out in a crowded space.

I also know what’s inside can help take away the overwhelm of figuring out how to use social media to grow your personal brand and connect with your ideal client.